Sign into MY STEP

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Sign In Info
Please enter the login name and password you will use to sign into your account.

Login Name:*
Login Name must be a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 character long with no spaces

Password must be at least 8 characters long and maximum 15 characters, at least 1 capital letter, 1 special character and 1 numeric.

Password (re-confirm):*

Password Recovery Question:
Security Question:*

Security Answer:*
How did you hear about us:*

Your Name

Preferred Name:*

First Name:*
Middle Name:
Last Name:*

Contact Information

Firm Name:


Postal Code:*


Business Phone:*



Date of Birth:*


Your Profession




Your Local STEP Canada Branch/Chapter


Personal Contact Information (Optional)

Home Address:

Postal Code:


Personal Email:

Member Consents & Preferences
These preferences can be updated at any time by logging in to your My STEP account.

To ensure that you get the most out of your STEP Canada membership, we send you regular electronic communications regarding exciting events, education and networking opportunities, submissions to government, and member related news.
I agree to receive email messages from STEP Canada (uncheck the box to unsubscribe)

From time-to-time local branch officers will reach out to members of their branch directly to discuss activities of the branch.
I give STEP Canada permission to share my contact details with current branch officers (uncheck to not have your contact details shared)

STEP Inside is the official publication of STEP Canada. Published each year in January, May, and October, this publication contains industry news and articles, case studies, as well as regulatory and taxation updates. As a benefit of membership, you are entitled to receive a hard copy of this valuable resource, in addition to the electronic version that is emailed to members. Members can also view previous editions under the Resources section of their My STEP account.
I prefer to receive a hard copy and an electronic copy of STEP Inside
I prefer to only receive an electronic copy of STEP Inside
I do not wish to receive STEP Inside

The online public-facing STEP Member Directory is available through the STEP Worldwide website,, and it contains jurisdictional information and contact details for every STEP member worldwide. Members receive a personalized listing and can add more details such as a bio or headshot by logging in to their account. Members who have maximized their profile options increase their presence within the industry and to the greater public. To view the STEP Member Directory, please click here.
I agree to have my contact details published in the STEP Member Directory (uncheck to be excluded from the member directory)

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Need help?
Please contact member services at 1-877-991-4949 or