Information Exchange, Networking and Events
- STEP has over 22,000 members worldwide in over 100 countries.
- STEP brings senior practitioners together, cutting across professional boundaries. Members share their knowledge and expertise in areas as diverse as Estates and Succession; Family and Guardianship Law; Domestic and Offshore Trusts; Insurance and Financial Services; International Law; Anti-Money Laundering; and Tax and Business Law.
- Through meetings, seminars, lectures and the exchange of technical papers and reports, members benefit greatly from a network of contacts.
- STEP conferences are held at international, national, regional and branch level and feature senior practitioners and academics.
- The STEP Canada Searchable Resource Tool (SRT) allows members to have access to a library of content including a collection of STEP Canada presentation decks, formal papers, additional resources, and articles from Branch & Chapter Events, National Conferences and Webcasts, and the STEP Inside newsletter. Access to the SRT is complimentary to STEP Canada members.
STEP Canada offers the following educational opportunities to students and practitioners to enhance their knowledge in the trust and estate field:
- The STEP Canada Diploma in Trusts and Estates exam route is targeted at those who wish to specialize in the trust and estate field.
- The STEP Canada Essay Program to membership and is designed to permit qualified professionals active in the trust and estate field to consolidate their knowledge and experience.
STEP Publications
- The STEP Journal features the latest news and developments for practitioners.
- The Trust Quarterly Review contains the latest technical papers from leading practitioners.
- STEP Canada's newsletter STEP Inside features case studies and the latest news and developments in Canada delivered 3 times annually.
- STEP Insider is an electronic monthly summary featuring branch events, practitioner opportunities job board, education center, and relevant news updates.
- The STEP Directory features valuable jurisdictional information as well as member listings for all members.
- www.step.org provides the premier online technical resource in the trust and estate world.
- STEP marketing brochures serve as handy reference guides for members of the public. Providing essential information to their clients, STEP members can purchase brochures at cost for display and distribution. Please click here for information and pricing.
- AdvisingFamilies.org/Canada is a public-facing website designed to provide clarity on many complex issues for families. There is an information portal, details on what a TEP is and how they can help, and a directory to search for a TEP close to them.
Lobbying and Representation
- STEP represents the interests of its members with regulators, government departments and international organizations.
- STEP monitors legislation and where appropriate canvasses for changes in the law.
STEP Branches and Administration
- Local STEP branches have their own committees and officers who are responsible for continuing professional development, educational and social programs.