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FAQs about Governance

Please see below for the most commonly asked questions about STEP governance. For additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. What committees does STEP have?
  2. I would like to be a member of a STEP committee. How are the committee members and chair selected? Is there a call for nominations and election?
  3. How long is the term of the STEP chair of board of directors? How do I run for a position on the board of directors or executive?
  4. I would like to have an issue/item included in the agenda for a committee meeting. How do I go about doing this; who should I contact?
  5. I am not satisfied with the work of a board/committee/branch executive member. Is there someone with whom I can communicate to register my concerns?



What committees does STEP have?

STEP Canada has 15 committees:

  1. Audit Committee
  2. Awards Committee
  3. Education Committee
  4. Executive Committee
  5. Governance Committee
  6. Human Resources & Nominations Committee
  7. Member Services Committee
  8. National Conference Program Committee
  9. National Programs Committee
  10. Nominations Committee
  11. Past Chairs Committee
  12. Public Policy Committee
  13. STEP Inside Editorial Board Committee
  14. Student Liaison Committee
  15. Tax Technical Committee


I would like to be a member of a STEP committee. How are the committee members and chair selected? Is there a call for nominations and election?

There are two ways committee chairs are appointed depending on the committee.

Option 1) Committee chairs are appointed by the board. The chair will then establish the membership of the committee with the assistance of the executive committee, board members, and the individual from national staff who is designated to assist the respective chair.

Option 2) A new chair is appointed by majority vote of the current committee members.

With either option, the committee has the ability to communicate vacancies through the branch executives and/or solicitation for new participation to the membership at large. When there are more interested candidates than there are positions, the experience of the candidates will be assessed by the committee and the new member(s) will be selected by majority vote.

Depending on the committee, Option 1 or Option 2 will be used.


How long is the term of the STEP chair of board of directors? How do I run for a position on the board of directors or executive?

Both the board and branch executive are required to appoint/elect their directors - other than ex officio directors - at their AGMs. At the national level, candidates are considered by the human resources & nomination committee. At the national level, nominations are sought from candidates with national experience as a branch chair or on a national committee.

A director shall hold office for a term of two years, commencing at the dissolution or adjournment of the annual general meeting at which he or she is elected, and ending at the dissolution or adjournment of the second subsequent annual general meeting. Incumbent directors, if qualified, shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment, subject to any rules or regulations governing the length of time a director may hold office. If an appointment of directors is not held at the proper time the incumbent directors shall continue in office until their successors are appointed.


I would like to have an issue/item included in the agenda for a committee meeting. How do I go about doing this; who should I contact?

For the national board, the best person to contact is the STEP chair or a member of a national committee.

For a regional branch board, the best person to contact is the regional branch chair.


I am not satisfied with the work of a board/committee/branch executive member. Is there someone with whom I can communicate to register my concerns?

You can register your concerns to the STEP Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Operating Officer will then look into the issue and work to resolve the issue with the respective board, branch, or committee chair. If the chair or COO is the object of the member's concern, the issue will be dealt with by the executive committee.