How long is the term of the STEP chair of board of directors? How do I run for a position on the board of directors or executive?
Both the board and branch executive are required to appoint/elect their directors - other than ex officio directors - at their AGMs. At the national level, candidates are considered by the human resources & nomination committee. At the national level, nominations are sought from candidates with national experience as a branch chair or on a national committee.
A director shall hold office for a term of two years, commencing at the dissolution or adjournment of the annual general meeting at which he or she is elected, and ending at the dissolution or adjournment of the second subsequent annual general meeting. Incumbent directors, if qualified, shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment, subject to any rules or regulations governing the length of time a director may hold office. If an appointment of directors is not held at the proper time the incumbent directors shall continue in office until their successors are appointed.